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House Fire and Vehicle Fire
By FireFighter Garrett Rentzell
December 21, 2023
December 21st, 2023; At 11:34 a.m., box 16-2 was stuck for a reported house fire at 9452 Crystal Falls Drive. Engine and Truck company 6 were alerted to respond. Truck 6 responded with 3, and Engine 61 with 2. First arriving units found heavy smoke conditions in the basement. Truck 6 positioned in the driveway behind Engine 161. TRK6 secured utilities and assisted Engine 101 with finding the source of the smoke. A burning rag was found in the basement bathroom. Engine 101 removed the rag while TRK6 extinguished the remaining fire with a water can. Once the fire was out, the box assignment was held with E161, E101, TRK6, and Medic 691. E61 returned to service while Trk6 remained on scene to assist with clean up before going in service.
While Company 6 units were returning to quarters, Tanker 6 was alerted to interstate 70 eastbound at the 32mm for a reported vehicle fire. Tanker 6 responded driver only, but was cancelled en-route.
House fire: Truck 6, Engine 61
Vehicle fire: Tanker 6