Please consider contributing to the First Hose Company of Boonsboro. The First Hose Company of Boonsboro is a professional service of dedicated volunteers. Our 501(c) (3) non-profit, volunteer organization relies heavily on donations to support our operations. Donations from the public, corporations and private entities help fund vehicles, equipment and supplies necessary for serving the citizens of Washington County. Your support is appreciated!
If you are an Amazon shopper please consider signing up for Amazon Smile and selecting First Hose Company of Boonsboro Washington County State of Maryland. When you make eligible purchases off Amazon a portion of your overall total will be donated by Amazon to the First Hose Company of Boonsboro Washington County State of Maryland at no additional fee.
Thank you as well to all of those individuals who have donated to The First Hose Company of Boonsboro in the past in order to enable us to serve the community better! We appreciate all of your support! If you would like to contribute to the First Hose Company of Boonsboro and require a receipt, please contact one of our officers to make arrangements to receive a receipt for your tax deduction purposes.
Amazon Smile Instructions
1. Sign in to on your desktop or mobile phone browser.
2. Go to Your Account from the navigation at the top of any page, and then select the option to Change your Charity.
3. Select First Hose Company of Boonsboro Washington County State of Maryland as your charitable organization to support.
A small percentage of your purchase is allocated to the First Hose Company of Boonsboro Washington County State of Maryland and it doesn't cost you a thing!